Latest Release star wars: force milk franchise!
If you liked Marc Ecko’s line of Star Wars hoodies then you should prepare your wallet for another deluge of Star Wars-themed gear, although this time it’s from Adidas, so most of them are shoes, and unlike the detailed Ecko hoodies, some of them are just classic designs slapped with a Star Wars name and a palette swap. Most of the items in the series won’t be available until next month, while some, like this Superskate Mid Stormtrooper shoe, is already available at Adidas’ online shop for $100 (USD).The Darth Vader track top is also available now at Adidas’ online shop, also for $100. It’s one of the few “literal” Star Wars themed item in the line. I guess Adidas just
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 | 0 Comments
Obama Vs. China: Let’s Get Ready To Rumble
While there may be many promises of “change” happening in America…one thing that is definitely “changing” is the relationship between China and the U.S.
Why is this increasingly important? There are a few reasons but a couple of important ones off the top of my head are:
Just a few short years ago, China was only the 8th largest economy in the world. Now they are at least 4th and many argue that they are now the 3rd largest economy in the world. Not too shabby for a country that wasn’t even invited to G-7 meetings.
Another important reason is that they are THE largest holder of U.S. treasuries as of last September. Until then, they were second only to Japan.
While I’m a “red-blooded” American…I’ll have to say that we picked this fight. We started it even before Tim Geithner officially became our Treasury Secretary when he stated that Obama feels that China is manipulating their currency. So that puts them both in the ring with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.
China quickly refuted this claim that same week. However, for the first time ever, the Premier shows up at the World Economic Conference in Davos, Switzerland.
China’s first big Jab comes at Davos!
His speech, while not directly calling out the U.S., really alluded to the fact that the U.S. originator of the world’s economic woes.
My Wen blamed an “excessive expansion of financial institutions in blind pursuit of profit” a “failure of government supervision” and an “unsustainable model of development characterized by prolonged low savings and high consumption”.
I must say what the Premiere said makes a lot of sense.
We are “ticking off” our largest creditor and it’s not the smartest move we’ve ever made as a nation. While Obama will probably do a lot of great things for the economy, this is not one of them.
Not surprisingly, China says it’s “examining its investments”. Sounds like they are trying to say, “Watch it or we will pull the plug on you!”
The Chinese already haven’t been happy about their investments in Morgan Stanley (MS: 32.10 -0.21 -0.65%), Fannie Mae (FNM: 1.02 -0.01 -0.97%), Freddie Mac (FRE: 1.14 -0.02 -1.72%) and others. In fact, when many U.S. companies recently turned to China for funding, China backed away.
So while I don’t believe China will dump all of its U.S. treasuries like some say, I do think that they could still hurt us economically as they continue to climb the rungs on the economic ladder to the top.
China needs to be taken seriously and dealt with wisely. After all, they now have over $2 trillion in foreign exchange reserves…and recently, China has been sharply trimming its holdings of Fannie and Freddie debt. After making net purchases of $46 billion in the first half of 2008, they were net sellers of $26.1 billion in the five months through November and that’s according to U.S. data, not China’s sources.
Also, one Chinese government official recently told the China Daily newspaper (in December) that “Washington shouldn’t expect continuous inflows of more cheap foreign capital to fund its one-after-another massive bailouts”.
You see, for the last number of years, we’ve preached to China about how they need to become more like us here in the U.S. Now that it doesn’t seem to be working as well for us as we’d like (at the moment), this argument becomes a “hard sell” to the Chinese.
Also, China will revalue its currency when it decides to and not when we tell them to do so. Besides, what country is going to jack their currency up higher when they are facing rough economic times? They know that there is no reason put the nail in the coffin of their exporters just to pacify the U.S.
So while I’m an American, I can’t always say what we do is right. It’s sort of like “standing up for family because they are family” rather than “standing up for what is right” instead.
If we are smart, we will take an approach with China much like former Treasury Secretary Paulson took. It’s one of the things he did get right. The Chinese ended up strengthening their currency at least 15% while he was in office. Before then, we didn’t have much luck in our talks with China. So in that regard, it was smart of Bush to pick him as his choice of Treasury Secretary. While both Bush and Paulson have had their screw ups, we are now getting “wrong” the areas they got right.
To sum it all up, I think that this could undermine the U.S. dollar, U.S. treasuries and boost the price of gold.
By Sean Hyman on January 30, 2009 | More Posts By Sean Hyman |
Sunday, November 22, 2009 | 0 Comments
The World's Most Powerful People 2009
The 67 heads of state, criminals, financiers and philanthropists who really run the world.
"I love power. But it is as an artist that I love it. I love it as a musician loves his violin, to draw out its sounds and chords and harmonies." — Napoleon Bonaparte
Power has been called many things. The ultimate aphrodisiac. An absolute corrupter. A mistress. A violin. But its true nature remains elusive. After all, a head of state wields a very different sort of power than a religious figure. Can one really compare the influence of a journalist to that of a terrorist? And is power unexercised power at all?
In compiling our first ranking of the World's Most Powerful People we wrestled with these questions — and many more — before deciding to define power in four dimensions. First, we asked, does the person have influence over lots of other people? Pope Benedict XVI, ranked 11th on our list, is the spiritual leader of more than a billion souls, or about one-sixth of the world's population, while Wal-Mart CEO Mike Duke (No. 8) is the largest private-sector employer in the United States.
Then we assessed the financial resources controlled by these individuals. Are they relatively large compared with their peers'? For heads of state we used GDP, while for CEOs, we looked at a composite ranking of market capitalization, profits, assets and revenues as reflected on our annual ranking of the World's 2000 Largest Companies. In certain instances, like New York Times Executive Editor Bill Keller (No. 51), we judged the resources at his disposal compared with others in the industry. For billionaires, like Bill Gates (No. 10), net worth was also a factor.
Next we determined if they are powerful in multiple spheres. There are only 67 slots on our list — one for every 100 million people on the planet — so being powerful in just one area is not enough to guarantee a spot. Our picks project their influence in myriad ways. Take Italy's colorful prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi (No. 12) who is a politician, a media monopolist and owner of soccer powerhouse A.C. Milan, or Oprah Winfrey (No. 45) who can manufacture a best-seller and an American President.
Lastly, we insisted that our choices actively use their power. Ingvar Kamprad, the 83-year-old entrepreneur behind Ikea and the richest man in Europe, was an early candidate for this list, but was excluded because he doesn't exercise his power. On the other hand, Russian autocrat Vladimir Putin (No. 3) scored points because he likes to throw his weight around by jailing oligarchs, invading neighboring countries and periodically cutting off Western Europe's supply of natural gas.
To calculate the final rankings, five Forbes senior editors ranked all of our candidates in each of these four dimensions of power. Those individual rankings were averaged into a composite score, which determined who placed above (or below) whom.
U.S. President Barack Obama emerged, unanimously, as the world's most powerful person, and by a wide margin. But there were a number of surprises. Former President George W. Bush didn't come close to making the final cut, while his predecessor in the Oval Office, Bill Clinton, ranks 31st, ahead of a number of sitting heads of government. Apple's Steve Jobs easily made the list, while Arnold Schwarzenegger, the movie star governor of California (alone, the world's fifth largest economy) did not.
1. Barack Obama
![]() © AP Photo/Gerald Herbert |
How powerful is he? Let's count the ways:
- Presides over world's largest, most innovative, most dynamic economy.
- Commander-in-chief of planet's richest, deadliest military.
- Finger on button of nuclear arsenal containing more than 5,000 warheads.
- Head-of-state of world's sole superpower.
- His Democrats have majorities in both U.S. House and Senate.
- Recently awarded Nobel Peace Prize, apparently for general awesomeness.
2. Hu Jintao
![]() © John Moore/Getty Images |
- Paramount political leader of more people than anyone else on the planet; 1.3 billion Chinese, some 70% in their prime working years of ages 15 to 64 powering world's low-cost workshop, transforming nation.
- Biggest buyer of U.S. debt avoided Chinese meltdown during financial crisis with massive stimulus package to encourage domestic spending.
- "Coming-out party" at 2008 Beijing Olympic Games showcased young, modern, harmonious society; reality often quite different — few political, religious, press freedoms; brutal suppression of Tibet; refusal to acknowledge Taiwanese independence.
- Still, credible estimates have China poised to overtake U.S. as world's largest economy in 25 years — although, crucially, not on a per-capita basis.
3. Vladimir Putin
![]() © Alexey Druzhinin/AFP/Getty Images |
- Prime Minister might as well be known as Czar, Emperor and Autocrat of All the Russians.
- Vastly more powerful than his handpicked head-of-state, President Dmitry Medvedev.
- Presides over one-ninth of Earth's land area, vast energy and mineral resources.
- Former KGB officer unafraid to wield his power; invading Georgia, cutting off natural gas supplies to Ukraine or Western Europe (again).
- Declared nuclear power has veto on U.N.'s Security Council.
- "I'm deeply convinced that constant change is not for the better."
4. Ben S. Bernanke
![]() © AP Photo/Gerald Herbert |
- Former chairman of Princeton's economics department and noted Great Depression scholar now guiding world's largest economy through Great Recession; has overseen massive growth in Fed's balance sheet, from less than $900 billion in liabilities in August 2008 to more than $2.1 trillion today.
- With federal funds rate now effectively 0%, the so-called Bernanke Doctrine calls for using monetary policy to stave off deflation.
- "The U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press, that allows it to produce as many dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost."
5. Sergey Brin and Larry Page
![]() © AP Photo/Paul Sakuma |
- If knowledge is power, maybe information is too. Brainy duo met in Stanford computer science Ph.D. program, now trying to put all the world's information at your fingertips.
- Known for collecting best and brightest young tech talent at Mountain View, Calif., "Googleplex"; employees encouraged to spend one day a week on personal projects; company often named "Best Place To Work" in America.
- Google guys' combined net worth of $30.6 billion would place them third on the Forbes 400.
- Yet despite professed intentions to "do no evil," Google is blamed in some quarters for decimating traditional publishing, journalism. Brin: "Some say Google is God, others say Google is Satan."
Thursday, November 12, 2009 | 0 Comments
The World's Most Powerful People 2009 6-10
6. Carlos Slim HelĂș
![]() © Chris Hondros/Getty Images |
- World's third-richest man is dominant economic force in Mexico, personal fortune equivalent to some 2% of Mexican GDP.
- Telecommunications monopolist: His Telemex owns 90% of Mexico's fixed telephone lines; his TelCel has 90% of wireless market.
- Also head of group dedicated to improving Mexico's roads, energy infrastructure, water supply.
- New focus, media: Last fall snapped up 7% stake in the New York Times Co., largest after Sulzberger owner-family.
- "I think it's perverse to believe there shouldn't be strong companies in poor countries."
7. Rupert Murdoch
![]() © AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin |
- "The man who owns the news" still believes in print, not afraid to use vast media holdings to further personal political views.
- Media empire includes leading British (the Times), Australian (The Australian), American (The Wall Street Journal) newspapers, in addition to tabloids like the New York Post and The Sun (U.K.). Also movies (20th Century Fox), books (HarperCollins), television (Fox, BSkyB), online (MySpace).
- Weak ad-marketing hurting his News Corp.: net loss of $3.4 billion in fiscal 2009, stock off March lows, but still well below 2007 levels, when he made a $5.6 billion gamble on Dow Jones. "Quality journalism isn't cheap."
8. Michael T. Duke
![]() © Vivan Mehra/The India Today Group/Getty Images |
- Runs world's largest retailer, more country than company: $401 billion in annual sales, 2 million employees, 8,000 stores.
- Wal-Mart alone is China's eighth-largest trading partner.
- Largest private-sector employer in U.S.; favorite target of unions; blamed and praised for backing Obama health care proposals, shifting economic power from manufacturers to retailers, from mom-and-pop to big box.
- "I am competitive by nature and I want to win."
9. Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud
![]() © Marwan Naamani/AFP/Getty Images |
- Absolute ruler of desert kingdom that contains the world's largest crude oil reserves, two holiest sites in Islam.
- State-owned oil producer Saudi Aramco most profitable company on Earth, earns more than $200 billion a year, has reserves of 260 billion barrels or 25% of planet's known supply.
- Ultimate succession unclear: 85-year-old king's official heir is 81-year-old Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud.
- In 2006, established committee of senior princes to ensure smooth transition in the event both become incapacitated.
10. William Gates III
![]() © AP Photo/Chuck Burton |
- Richest man in the world dominated, transformed software business.
- More than 85% of world's hundreds of millions of computer users stare at, struggle with, Microsoft products on daily basis.
- Second act: Saving the world. Still Microsoft chairman, but now devotes day-to-day to his Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, the largest charity on Earth with $34 billion endowment. Foundation devoted to reducing hunger, improving education and fighting diseases like malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS.
Thursday, November 12, 2009 | 0 Comments
The World's Most Powerful People 2009 11-15
11. Pope Benedict XVI
![]() © AP Photo/Andrew Medichini |
- Spiritual leader is highest earthly authority for 1 billion souls, or about one-sixth of planet's population; runs Catholic Church, world's oldest, largest multinational.
- A staunch traditionalist, unbending on reproductive matters, yet conservatism comforting to many.
12. Silvio Berlusconi
![]() © AP Photo/Andrew Medichin |
- Prime Minister of Italy also media monopolist: Owns three television networks outright, controls three others through state. Also magazines, newspapers, advertising agencies.
- Beyond politics and publishing, sports: His AC Milan is one of the world's premier soccer teams.
- Colorful private life, bribery allegations, Cabinet member picks have caused him to be depicted as Europe's buffoon. Unfazed: Calls himself "the Jesus Christ of Italian politics."
13. Jeffrey R. Immelt
![]() © AP Photo/Mark Lennihan |
- Heads General Electric, world's largest company.
- Financial services account for more than half of revenue, but also has major presence in energy, media, transportation and aviation.
- Company breeding ground for top executive talent; former GE brass have run companies ranging from Boeing to Rubbermaid.
- Company poised to profit from Obama health care plans and clean energy initiatives; one of planet's largest manufacturers of wind turbines. Yes we can: "You can either sit with a hood over your head and pretend things won't change, or you can get ready for it."
14. Warren Buffett
![]() © AP Photo/Matt Sayles |
- Greatest value investor of all time shrewdly profiting from global financial crisis; snapped up stakes in Goldman Sachs, General Electric during darkest days of 2008.
- Opponent of inherited wealth has bequeathed vast majority of $40 billion fortune to buddy Bill Gates and his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
- "Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful."
15. Angela Merkel
![]() © AP Photo/Markus Schreiber |
- Most powerful woman on planet.
- As chancellor of Germany, oversees Europe's largest economy and fifth-largest in the world with $2.9 trillion GDP.
- Renowned free-market champion and favorite of big business, favors Euro over waning greenback.
- Green cred: Leading European charge against greenhouse gases.
Thursday, November 12, 2009 | 0 Comments
Thousands of mink in dash for freedom in Jutland
For the second time in under a week, a mink farm in Jutland has been attacked by animal rights activists, releasing some 3,000 of the animals into the wild.
The discovery was made by a food delivery driver who raised the alarm at the farm in Western Jutland’s Klosterhede Plantation. Hunters and farmers from the region were called to capture or destroy the escapees.
According to news source Politiken, local police claimed that aside from releasing the mink from their cages, surrounding fences were also damaged in order to allow the animals to flee to freedom. This is the second such incident in the area following the release of over 6,000 mink last week from a farm near Sondervig. While most of those mink have been recaptured, as many as 3,000 may have to be put down. The farms tend to find appropriate companions for individual minks to share a cage with, but on escaping to the wild the couples are inevitably broken up becoming increasingly aggressive leading to bitter infighting.
Investigations continue into eye witness sightings of a man seen to be running from the Holstebro Minkfodercentral factory to a nearby vehilce having apparently opened a silo tap releasing several tons of feed.
Sander Jacobsen of the Danish Fur Breeder Association claimed the release could result in an ecological disaster for the local area. ”The mink will try to survive and simply vacuum the area of all amphibians and small birds, and since they are not very good at surviving in this way for longer periods, they will die,” Jacobsen said.
According to The Danish Forest and Nature Agency the actions were likely to cause more damage than good. ”This type of crime is frustrating and silly. The mink are the ones that suffer, but it also affects the balance in the surrounding environment,” Consultant Jens Henrik Jakobsen claimed.
Sander Jacobsen believes the actions were in relation to an upcoming television documentary on mink farming. ”This resembles an orchestrated campaign in which extremists will stop atSaturday, October 17, 2009 | 0 Comments
Palin Resignation A Brilliant Plan Or Huge Disaster?
But, all and all, why did she resign? Before going deeper into the politics of it, let's first take Palin at her word. She told us she has a few reasons for stepping down, listed here:
- Tired Of Wasting Time/Money On Ethics Complaints Sarah made it quite clear in her resignation speech that she was tired of spending her and her staff's time on defending herself from untruthful attacks, "setting the record straight." Here's what she says: "Every one - all 15 of the ethics complaints {against me} have been dismissed. We've won! But it hasn't been cheap - the State has wasted thousands of hours of your time and shelled out some two million of your dollars to respond to "opposition research" - that's money not going to fund teachers or troopers - or safer roads. And this political absurdity, the "politics of personal destruction" ... Todd and I are looking at more than half a million dollars in legal bills in order to set the record straight. And what about the people who offer up these silly accusations? It doesn't cost them a dime so they're not going to stop draining public resources - spending other peoples' money in their game."
- No Lame Duck! Palin also made it clear that once she had decided she was not going to run for re-election that she was not going to be a "lame duck," spending the state's time and money on frivolous and unhelpful things.
- Feels As Though She's Accomplished Many Things Definitely much more than most governors in their first half of a term! In her speech she cited many accomplishments, here are a few:
- AGIA Gasline Project, "the largest private sector energy project ever," as stated by Palin.
- Bipartisan Ethics Reform
- "Took government out of the dairy business and put it in private sector hands"
- Built a Sub-Cabinet on Climate Change
- "Made common sense conservative choices to eliminate personal luxuries like the jet, the chef, the junkets... the entourage.
- Said "no" to pay raises (herself and the lieutenant governor)
That's what Palin says about her resignation. Now let's take a look at the rumors of a "bombshell investigation," as said by her opponents. Here's what the FBI had to say: "There is absolutely no truth to those rumors that we're investigating her or getting ready to indict her," Special Agent Eric Gonzalez of Anchorage said. "It's just not true..." there is "no wiggle room!"
So much for the bombshell.
In my mind, I think governor Palin's choice was a brilliant tactical move. Here are some reasons why:
- She Can Speak Out and Focus On Issues She Cares About As most of you probably know, Governor Palin is working on a book. According to state ethics guidelines, as governor the things she can write about are very limited.
- She Saves Herself and Alaska Money As said before, attacks on Governor Palin have caused half a million dollars in legal bills for their family and even more for the state.
- She's Headline News! Now that the stunning news of the resignation has broken, governor Palin will be in the news for quite awhile. The more left-wing commentators scream about her, the more her sympathy vote will grow.
Of course, does all of this lead to 2012? That's a topic for another post.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Governor Palin To Resign
During her resignation announcement speech, governor Palin noted that her administration has done tremendous things for her state in a short time, citing the oil and gas pipeline and others. She added that nowadays, after her run as vice presidential nominee with John McCain, she spends most of her time and her staff's time defending herself and "setting the record straight." Recently she has had 15 ethics complaints filed against her, all of them dismissed.
Palin spoke heavily about how she could not get things done efficiently anymore now that tens of thousands of dollars of state dollars were being spent on defending herself from untruthful and unjust lies. Once her resignation is official and lieutenant governor Sean Parnell is sworn in, the governor will more time to focus on her family and some much needed free time out the state's rough and tumble politics.
But is her resignation a sign of buckling to pressure, or just honestly "I'm fed up!". While it might be a little bit of both, you must admit the unfair media coverage and vicious onslaughts of personal attacks have probably been at least noticed by the Palin family.
Or is this somethings different? Could it be a shrewd political move? Could Sarah Palin be eyeing 2012? We'll just have to wait and see.
Saturday, October 17, 2009 | 0 Comments
Swine Flu?

Saturday, October 17, 2009 | 0 Comments
POLICE AND YOUR BASIC RIGHTSKnow your right before Police officer
7.1 When can this be done
If you are at a place (example: disco/karaoke/entertainment outlet)
where the Police are conducting a raid to look for something there
(example: drugs), the Police may detain and search you if they think
you have or are hiding the thing being searched for.
This may only be done in the presence of a Police Officer ranked
Inspector and above.
7.2 What to do
• Do not allow the Police officer to put his hands into your clothes
or pockets.
• If you are asked to take out your belongings one by one, each time,
say "Purse", "keys", "ID card" etc.
• When your pockets/bags are empty, turn your pockets / bags
inside out
7.3 Your rights
• All body searches must be carried out in a professional manner and
with decency.
• A female can only be body searched by a female Police Officer.
• If you are forced/threatened to strip naked:
1. Protest
2. Remember the Police Officer's name.
3. Lodge a Police report after the incident.
8.1 When Police can do so
• The Police reasonably suspect that you have evidence relating to a
suspected offence.
• You are arrested.
• The body search must be conducted in a confined place. It is your
right to be bodily searched in private.
8.2 Types of Body search
The law allows the Police to conduct 4 types of body search:-
1. Pat down search - act of searching outer clothing.
2. Strip search - to search for concealed evidence, object,
contraband or weapon. May only be conducted with the
authorisation of an officer ranked Inspector and above.
3. Intimate search - to search beyond the mouth, nose and ears.
May only be conducted with the authorisation of an officer
ranked Assistant Superintendent (ASP) and above.
4. Intrusive search - to determine the existence of objects etc in
the body. May only be conducted with the authorisation of the
Officer in charge of the Police District (OCPD). Must be
conducted by a Government Medical Officer or Medical
8.3 Your rights
• All body searches must be carried out in a professional manner and
with decency.
• It is advisable to request that you be accompanied by your lawyer for
the search.
• A female can only be body searched by a female Police Officer.
9.1 Identity of the Police Officer questioning you
Note the name /rank of the Police Officer questioning you.
9.2 Right to remain silent
The Police Officer will first make friendly conversation/talk (example:
ask you about your family and friends etc). You are only obliged to give
your full name, age, address and occupation (Personal Particulars).
Other than giving your Personal Particulars, you have the right to
remain silent. Be polite. Do not be afraid to remain silent. This is your
right. If you choose the right to remain silent, say: "I would like to
exercise my right to silence".
9.3 112 Statement by you during investigation
The Police Officer will ask you questions and then write down your
answers. The Police cannot threaten or force you into making a
Statement. If you have been threatened, beaten or forced, lodge a
police report against the Police Officer at first opportunity. This is
your right.
9.4 112 Statement is not to be used as evidence
Generally, any Statement you make to the Police during investigations
cannot be used as evidence except if you being charged for offences
under, for example, the Dangerous Drugs Act, the Kidnapping Act and
the Internal Security Act. But you may use the Statement to support
your defence during your trial.
• Kuala Lumpur : 03-2691 3005 / 03-2693 2072
• Selangor : 03-5510 7007
• Negeri Sembilan : 06-6013 844
• Melaka : 06-2845 519 / 06-2864 514
• Johor : 07-2235 698
• Perak : 05-2550 523
• Kedah & Perlis : 04-7333 467
• Kelantan : 04-7448 660
• Pahang : 09-5159 244 / 09-2969 410
• PulauPinang : 04-2617 451 / 04-3316 830
Friday, October 16, 2009 | 0 Comments
POLICE AND YOUR BASIC RIGHTSKnow your right before Police officer
4.1 Ask: "Why am I under arrest?"
An arrest is unlawful if you are not informed of the reason.
4.2 Do not resist an arrest
The Police have the right to use reasonable force to arrest you if you
4.3 Ask: "Which Police station are you taking me to?"
The arresting Police Officer must immediately take you to the
nearest Police station and no other place.
4.4 What to do when arrested
You have the right to telephone call to:-
1. Your relative or friend; and
2. A lawyer.
You may also call a nearby Legal Aid Centre (LAC). Inform them:
• you have been arrested;
• the time, place and reason of the arrest;
• the Police station you will be taken to.
4.5 What happens after arrest
You may be detained up to 24 hours:
• at the Police station, or
• in a lock-up to "assist" police investigation.
5.1 Right to consult a lawyer
Once you request for the presence of a lawyer, you have a right to
consult the lawyer at the Police Station. The Police must accord
you reasonable facilities and a reasonable time for you to meet
and consult the lawyer. The Police may, however, deny you this
right, if the delay in questioning you may cause the occurrence of
another crime or cause danger to others.
5.2 Clothing
You are allowed to have one set of clothing with you in the
5.3 Personal belongings
The Police must record and put all your personal belongings in
safe custody. Your personal belongings must be returned to you
upon your release.
5.4 Welfare
You are allowed to take a bath two times a day. If you are sick,
you have the right to receive immediate medical attention.
You are to be given proper and adequate food and water during
5.5 How long may the Police detain you
The Police may only detain you up to 24 hours for investigation.
The duty of the Police is to complete investigations within 24 hours
and to release you as soon as possible. If the Police cannot complete
investigations within 24 hours, the Police must bring you before a
Magistrate for a remand order to extend your detention beyond
24 hours (Remand Order).
6.1 Who is a Magistrate
A Magistrate is a judicial officer. He/She has the power to make a
Remand Order to detain you for more than 24 hours.
6.2 Purpose of a Remand Order
It is to give more time to the Police to complete their investigations
and decide whether there is evidence to charge you for an offence.
The Police cannot ask for a Remand Order only for the purpose of
taking a Statement from you.
6.3 How long is a Remand Order
When the Police bring you before a Magistrate for a Remand Order,
the Police must give reasons to the Magistrate why it is necessary to
detain you for more than 24 hours. The Magistrate's duty is to
consider carefully the reasons given by the Police.
The Magistrate has the discretion:
• not to make a Remand Order and release you; or
• make a Remand Order for a period shorter than that asked for by
the Police.
In any event, the Magistrate has the power to make a Remand Order
of not more than 4 days or 7 days depending on the offence being
investigated. The Police may return at the expiration of this time
period and apply for a 2nd Remand Order. The Magistrate may make
a 2nd Remand Order of not more than 3 days or 7 days depending
on the offence being investigated.
6.4 What to say when you are brought before a Magistrate for
Tell the Magistrate:
• you want legal representation and you want to contact your lawyer,
the LAC and your family;
• you want medical treatment because you are sick or have been
• if the Police had threatened or beaten you during detention;
• if you had been denied proper and adequate food/water/clothing,
the toilet or necessary medical attention during your detention;
• whether you have been detained previously immediately before
your current detention;
• whether the Police had carried out any investigations during your
6.5 Ask for a shorter Remand Order from the Magistrate
Before the Magistrate makes the Remand Order, ask for a shorter
remand period asked by the Police. Give reasons (Example: "I will
co¬operate with the Police in their investigation", "I will be available
and will not run away" etc).
Friday, October 16, 2009 | 0 Comments
POLICE AND YOUR BASIC RIGHTSKnow your right before Police officer
Kempen Buku Merah
1. POLICE STOPS YOU1.1 Not in uniform, ask for identification
Say: "Please, show me your Police authority card".
1.2 Police authority card
Red : Suspended Police Officer. He has no authority to do
anything to you. Walk away.
Other colours:
• Blue : Rank of Inspector and above
• Yellow : Below the rank of Inspector
• White : Reserve police
Note his name and ID number
1.3 In uniform
Note his name and ID number on his uniform.
1.4 Police vehicle
Note the number plate of the patrol car or motorcycle.
2.1 Your identification
Only give your name, ID card number and address.
2.2 The police ask other questions
Politely ask "Am I under arrest?"
2.3 When you are under arrest
You are arrested if the police:
• tells you "yes";
• does not allow you to leave/want to take you to the Police
Station; or
• handcuffs you
if you are not under arrest, you may walk away/refuse to follow
him back to the Police station or anywhere else, if asked.
2.4 When you cannot be arrested
The police cannot arrest you just because you are a potential
witness and want to take a statement from you (112 / Witness
3.1 112 Statement
When the police are investigating a case and think you have
information / knowledge about the case, the police may examine
you and take down your answers (112 Statement).
3.2 Informal/Formal Request
Most times, the police make an informal request that you give a 112
Statement. If the place and time is convenient to you, cooperate.
If not, tell the police you will do so at a convenient place.
If you refuse to cooperate, the police may issue a formal order in
writing, signed by an investigating officer (Police Officer) to ask
you to cooperate.
If you disobey a Police Order, you cannot be arrested. However, it is
an offence and the police may request the Magistrate to issue a
warrant against you to compel you to cooperate.
3.3 Giving a 112 Statement
You have the right to ask a lawyer to accompany you.
This is advisable.
In giving a 112 Statement, you may refuse to answer any question /
remain silent if the answer is likely to expose you to a criminal
• Bring along a notebook or writing paper with you (Personal Notes).
• Write down every question asked in your Personal Notes.
• Make sure you understand every question asked.
• Take your time and think carefully before writing your answers in
your Personal Notes.
• Read your answers to the Police Officer questioning you.
• Keep your Personal Notes for future reference.
3.4 Signing your 112 Statement
Before signing your Statement, read the questions and your answers
written by the Police Officer carefully.
• Compare the Statement you are asked to sign with your Personal
• You have the right to make any corrections/changes to the
Statement before signing.
• Sign your signature immediately below the last sentence of your
Friday, October 16, 2009 | 0 Comments
Video Demo Mansuh ISA (Bukti Kerajaan Polis Zalim)
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